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产品名称:德国schutze MMDV/MV喷枪 -
In many cases the extrusion valves of series GZ-MMDV/MV give the opportunity to solve application jobs by their low weight and their small dimensioned construction, especially for the installation in machines or robots. The very small dimensions of these valves give the opportunity to install them with very low space requirements. With the long nozzles (LV) the valves can be sloped to each other such to achieve narrow nozzle distances.
These valves are suitable for the application of glues, adhesives, oils and sealing compounds. Depending on nozzle dimension, fluids of different viscosities can be applied.
The extrusion valves of series GZ-MMDV/MV are designed for material pressures up to 100 bar.
The short control air distance, reached through the directly mounted 3/2 way solenoid valve, gives this valve very fast and exact needle intermission cycles.
available nozzle dimensions:
ø 0.2 / 0.3 / 0.4 / 0.5 / 0.6 / 0.7 / 0.8 / 1.0 / 1.2 / 1.5 / 2.0 / 2.5 mm - with ratchet regulator for easy adjusting amount of fluid
- regulation of fluid outlet optional with counter nut adjustment
solenoid valves in different tensions
(24 V/DC / 110 V/AC / 230 V/AC) - optional with proximity switch
available nozzle dimensions: